Guiding Principles
Careful preparation, long-term relationships.
Thorough planning begins before and during clients’ matters, and continues long after the final resolution to make sure all of our clients have the help and professional guidance they need to meet their long-term goals and objectives.
Privacy and confidentiality.
Divorce is an emotional and private experience, which is why all consultations are entirely confidential, in an environment where clients can feel safe discussing their most intimate issues. When you contact our office, all of your information — including your name — is kept strictly confidential.
Commitment and trust.
Our experience, guidance and protective representation will provide peace of mind as you make critical legal and financial decisions that will affect you for much of your life.
Listening and understanding.
In our unique initial consultation process, we develop a thorough understanding of your unique needs to formulate tailored solutions. During the initial interview, you will receive straightforward, practical answers to your questions and sound legal advice based on your unique circumstances.
Knowing that divorce is not always the answer.
Whenever possible, we explore and assist with counseling, reconciliation and repair. When reconciliation is not possible, we’ll start the process of planning the protection of assets to determine appropriate and manageable financial support, as well as establish favorable parenting arrangements.
A Different Way to Solve Problems
Our sole focus is to understand the complexities of your individual case so that we can develop and implement practical solutions to bring your matter to a quick, private and peaceful resolution. Using our years of experience and nationally-recognized expertise, we have achieved confidential, out-of-court settlements for our clients in an extraordinarily high percentage of cases.
Finding Solutions Outside The Courtroom
Family court judges are overloaded and often don’t have the time to take a deep dive into each family’s unique situation; this is often to the detriment of the family members, who suffer through courtroom conflicts that are dragged out, which then leads to steep bills. For that reason, we frequently work with clients to resolve their disputes outside of the courtroom in a confidential setting, and we often recruit the aid of other specialists from our team of carefully selected professionals when it’s needed. Of course, in those cases where courtroom litigation is necessary — and sometimes it is necessary to ultimately achieve a settlement outside the courtroom — we use our decades of experience to provide unwavering advocacy before a judge.
Ask a question
If you would like to ask a private question or set up an initial consultation, call us at (248) 480-8333, or email us at, and we will begin the process of moving you forward right away.